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If you need some fittings for your build, look no further. We found a few years back that there was not enough supply of certain part numbers of AN fittings in the marketplace for the hose kits we produce.  One thing we have always been very particular about is NOT using low quality import imitation fittings.

So, we decided to manufacture our own line of Aircraft Specialty Flightlines AN fittings.  These are labeled in the box below as “ASF”  Ours are built to Milspec with Class 3 threads.  We have focused our production on the areas where we see shortages and have issues sourcing the fittings we need for our in house kits.  

In addition we have other fittings that are very specialized commercial type fittings that are low volume and don’t warrant us manufacturing them in house.  These don’t have “ASF” in front of them.

Listed below are the currently available fittings we stock.  This list will be updated as we add more part numbers in the future.